The beginning of a journey.

What am I doing? #

I have to admit, I am a little surprised at myself. I was sure that I would never want to program computers. Ever. After a summer internship learning and writing simple SQL queries and sending reports of client and trade information throughout the office of a brokerage firm, I had discovered what my career would not be. Not only did I dislike sitting in front of a computer all day, I felt like my work was contained to the four walls of the office, never extending to the world beyond.

Fast forward almost ten years, and I’ve decided that I want to learn to code, and ultimately, to make websites.

So why the change of heart? I’ve realized that my perspective on programming was probably a bit limited, so here are some reasons why it has expanded.

1. The “programming” world is massive.

There is so much going on in the programming world that I wasn’t aware of when I was writing queries, and it’s growing more every day. From web pages to software to smart phone apps, there seems to be a niche for almost anyone who is interested. True, not all of these things would be considered “programming” in it’s strictest sense, but they certainly require a basic understanding of how to write code. I may not have been thrilled with my internship, but that was an incredibly small drop in the ocean that is today’s coding community.

2. Developers are on the cutting edge.

I can remember times when I’ve seen some of my developer friends going nuts on social media about the next big thing, and at the time thinking, “Well, I haven’t heard of it, so it’s probably not that big of a deal.” Sure enough, it became a big deal. The reality is that developers recognize the cutting edge of technology because many of them are working with it everyday. How epic to be a part of the next big thing.

3. People are changing the world with code.

Who knew that a few lines of code in a Harvard dorm room would end up changing the way the world communicates. Love it or hate it, it’s hard to deny that Facebook ushered in a completely new paradigm for human interaction. We even came up with a new phrase to describe it: social networking. The Facebook story is just one of many examples of the influence a programmer can have on the world. I’ve even learned to appreciate the part that my meager SQL queries play in the larger development process.

Where am I headed? #

Over the next several months, it is my goal to 1) learn Javascript

2) learn and experiment with Ruby on Rails and 3) build a custom WordPress theme that will be a more comprehensive way to keep track of my progress and house examples of projects I’m working on. Occasionally I may also post interesting tidbits I pick up from my software programming class.

I will try to post every weekend and give an overview of what I’ve learned that week. I have several different resources I plan to use, which I will explain in a later post. Also, I have already begun to learn some elements of web development. As of right now, I have a fairly solid understanding of HTML and CSS, as well as a basic knowledge of the general concepts of programming. Still, even in these areas, I have a lot to learn. So, for all intents and purposes we’re starting from square one.

This is my journey to learn to make websites… feel free to come along.


Now read this

Efficient CSS

making the browser work less and users wait less # As I am relatively new to the web development world, I’ve been trying to form good habits from the start. Still, even with less than a year under my belt since I first googled the words,... Continue →